

Digital images of the published papyri in the Egypt Exploration Society's collection housed in the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library are available on Oxford's Sustainable Digital Scholarship platform. 

To search the database (e.g. by publication number, author, title, or genre), use the search box above. To browse volumes of papyri, click here

Images of the papyri published in vol. LXXIII of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri and earlier were created by the Imaging Papyri Project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council between 1998 and 2009. Images of papyri published in more recent volumes have been created by the successive projects on the Oxyrhynchus papyri funded by the AHRC and the British Academy since 2010. The database includes only papyri currently kept in the Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library at Oxford: the vast majority of the papyri published in the early volumes of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (I–XVIII), and some from later volumes, were distributed by the EES to other institutions. For details, see the location-list or (for more up-to-date information) Trismegistos. Images of these papyri must be sought from the institutions in which they are kept.

Reproduction requests are handled by the EES and usually granted free of charge for academic purposes: see